
in the word of god

 "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Hebrews 4:12

disciple groups

Everyone needs two things: to have someone help you follow Jesus, and to help someone follow Jesus. Our Disciple Groups is a great way to get filled by those two things. In our age and gender specific Disciple Groups, you will grow closer to your fellow believers while also deepening your relationship with Christ.

Learn more about our Disciple Groups here.

first prayer ministry

We believe that prayer is our first and most powerful weapon in this world. Our First Prayer Ministry meets once a week to prayer over prayer requests that have been submitted by church members. Where you need prayer or would like to become a part of this ministry, we invite you to come.


Deep Discipleship: The Letters of paul

Thursdays, 4-6pm

January 16-May 1

Led by Josh Mauldin

More information here.

Bible & Training Classes

Bible Studies that are currently open and happening throughout the week. 

More information here

the voice

The Voice is First Baptist Church's weekly newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to the Voice, you may do so by clicking here.

This week's Voice can be found here.