god's truth never changes!

At Breaker Rock Beach, kids will learn to recognize the difference between what the world says is true and what God says is true. Each day kids will be challenged to know that God’s truth never changes—even when it’s radically different from what some people say.


July 7 - 10, 2025

9:00am - 12:00 noon

For kids who have completed Kindergarten - 6th grade 

VBS is FREE and open to the community!

Online registration begins June 1.

Sign up here to be a volunteer!

VBS T-Shirts

T-shirts are optional and can be pre-ordered through the

Children’s Minister, Lisa Wheat, beginning April 1. 

Deadline to order is May 15. You can pay for them when you pick them up.

$12 each for sizes child S thru adult XL

$13 each for sizes adult 2XL & 3XL

child pick up

 Children can be pick up in the Sanctuary at 12:00 noon. Please enter the building from the side  Sanctuary entrance & move to the back of the Sanctuary to wait for your child. It will be to the left of where you dropped your child off.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Lisa Wheat, lwheat@fbcfayetteville.org

vbs family night

Friday, June 28

6:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Make plans to attend our the VBS Musical. It is a great event for family and friends. Join us as we celebrate  together in worship. Our elementary students will perform our Breaker Rock Beach Musical & it will give families a chance to see what they have learned during VBS 2024.

missions offering

Begin saving your money for our VBS community mission project. For some families, even the back-to-school essentials can be a financial burden. This missions offering will help lighten the load for those students and families.

We will be taking up money for our  Missions Offering each day during our Worship Rally. 

Our offering will go to help buy supplies for Washington Elementary.

We will also be collecting matchbox cars & hair accessories for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.

   Our goal for the week is $500.00.


Any further questions, please contact the church office, 479-442-2387.