adult ministry

Our Adult Ministry is devoted to seeing that our adults have personal relationships with God through Jesus Christ. We encourage adult believers to be strong and committed to glorifying God by joining Him in His work and purpose. 


A disciple is someone called to live in Christ, equipped to live like Christ, an sent to live for Christ. 
Here at First Baptist Church, our Discipleship Bible Studies and Discipleship groups are planned and designed to equip believers to live like Christ that they may go live for Christ. 

Adult Sunday School Classes (Directions are at the Information Center) 

9:00 a.m. 

  • Shackelford Department, (70-80+), 2 mixed classes, 2 women's classes, 1 men's class 

  • Tanneberger Department, (60-75), 2 mixed class, 1 women's class, 1 men's class 

  • Strouse Department, (50-65), 3 mixed classes 

  • Threet Department, (40-55), 2 mixed classes, 1 women's class 

  • Ikerd Department, (20-40), 1 mixed class 

  • Grads Group, (22-30), 1 Mixed class 

  • Special Adults, 1 mixed class 

Our ministry of fellowship activities develops a bond between generations and encourages outreach.
Some of our core values are: 

  • Encouraging adults to “press on” toward spiritual maturity through recognizing the importance of Bible Study, worship, and prayer. 
  • Recognizing the value of the prayer ministry of our church by encouraging prayer privately and through organized ministries such as First Prayer.
  • Emphasizing the importance of each adult being on mission and in ministry. Influencing the present and the future through stewardship, relationships, and legacy. 
  • Celebrating fellowship through games days, organized trips, fall foliage tours, picnics, annual golf scramble, mission ministries and many other events.

men's ministry

The purpose of our Men's Ministry is to equip men to be all God intends them to be. We encourage them to build and strengthen their relationship with Christ through various activities. These activities can be:

  • Worship experiences
  • Discipleship classes
  • Mission opportunities
  • Bible Study
  • Fellowship experiences
  • Mentorship and accountability to one another

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

John 4:7-8

women's ministry

First Baptist Church's women's ministry exists to glorify God while promoting growth & unity among the women of our church through Bible study, missions, & fellowship.

The Women’s Ministry is available to help women come to understand God’s complete purpose in all areas of their lives…family, health, ministry, the workplace and personal spiritual growth. Our desire is to assist, equip and encourage women no matter what season of life they are in.

Join a midweek bible study!

We have two groups who meet throughout the week to spend time diving into God's Word and growing together in community. Our men's bible study meets on Tuesday at 8am and our women meet on Thursday at 9:30am. 

  • Clint Morgan - Minister of Adults


    Office Phone: 479.313.6218