weekly events

Sunday Morning Bible Study

9-10:15am in the Chapel at FBC

Breakfast then a choice of three Bible studies

College Worship 

Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm in the Sanctuary at FBC

Dynamic worship and solid biblical teaching.

Young Adult Midweek

Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm in the Chapel at FBC

Fellowship and teaching time for 20-somethings.

Disciple Groups

Sundays, 5:30pm in various locations

Small groups reading through the Bible together. 

Deep Discipleship: Paul's Letters

Thursdays, 4-6pm in the Chapel at FBC

A survey of Romans through Philemon, starting Jan. 16

Click here for class schedule. Click here to register.  

Special events

First Tuesdays

Tuesday, February 4, 6-8pm in the FBC gym

-Blacklight Dodgeball!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 6-8pm in the FBC Chapel

-Uno tournament & board games with pizza.

Tuesday, April 1, 6-8pm in the FBC Youth Room

-Silent Disco

Mission Trips

Beach Reach, Panama City Beach, FL, March 21-28

-Giving free van rides & pancakes, while we talk about Jesus. Spots still available. 

New York City, March 23-29

-Team of 12 working with Graffiti Church doing community outreach

London, England, May 12-19

-Team of 12 working on college campuses across London. 

College Staff


Hayden Leonard: Student Intern

Ethan Whiteley: Student Intern

Josh Mauldin: Associate Pastor of College & Equipping

Adeline Smiley: Student Intern

Taylor Sossamon: Student Intern

Alison Smiley: Assistant College Minister