club 56 middle school ministry

why middle school ministry?

"The middle school years are one of the most misunderstood and underappreciated developmental periods of human life." 

-Mark Oestreicher

This is why we think it's so important to have a dedicated and intentional ministry specifically for middle school students. Middle schoolers are at a time in their lives when they desperately need someone to like them, hang out with them, love them, and show them what it looks like to follow Jesus. 

partnering with parents

We believe that a student’s parents (not their church) will always be the biggest influence on their lives in every way – including spiritually. So if the church wants to impact students spiritually, doesn’t it make sense for the church to try to partner with the most powerful, influential people in those students’ lives in order to make that happen?

We use the term PARTNER for a reason. It’s because we believe parents and the church need each other. The church needs parents to be actively engaged with their kids’ spiritual growth, because they’re ultimately the biggest influencers of their own children.  And parents need the local church  because their kids need to learn about and experience God from a whole community of believers! At Club 56, we strategically develop ways to engage and partner with parents and families.

small groups

Small group leaders are our most powerful tool in our attempt to partner with parents, because they are the people doing the majority of the hands-on partnering. Small group leaders serve as "another voice" in the lives of students; they're voices of love, encouragement, wisdom, and support for students. They're voices who echo the hearts of those students' parents. They're voices who are committed to doing whatever they can do to help students engage in a vibrant relationship with God and in the story He wants to tell through their lives. Small groups will take place on Sundays and Wednesdays.


In addition to studying the Bible and investing in kids, we teach kids to gain a greater perspective of the world around them, and shift thinking from themselves to help those who need it and to be on mission for God. This includes various mission and service projects, learning to share the Gospel with friends, and learning how God is at work around the world. 


Along with our weekly gatherings on Sunday morning and Wednesday nights, we also host all sorts of events for middle school students throughout the school year. These events include: Second Friday Fellowship Nights, Game Nights, Movies, High Rise, Bowling, Fall Parties, Scavenger Hunts, plus whatever else we can think of. The goal of most of our special events is just to create a really fun and engaging environment for our students to invite their friends and have a place outside of a Sunday morning to connect and build healthy friendships with each other. We also take our students each summer to Middle School Camp.

Middle School Camp

June 9-12, 2025

For kids who have completed grades 4-6

Camp Paron - Paron, AR

Cost $250

More information HERE

want to get involved?

PRAY that God would do amazing things through this ministry and He will be glorified in everything we do!

BRING your kids to Sunday School, Wednesday Nights and fellowships and have them invite their friends. 

Be AVAILABLE to teach or sub as needed.

HOST a fellowship on the second Friday of the month (September-May) or help during special event times. 

CONNECT with us through our closed Facebook group page and Instagram where we will share announcements and pictures of our events. 

  • lisa wheat - minister of childhood education

    Office Phone: 479.313. 6220